10 Reasons why MALDIVES tops the chart for honeymoon destinations.

Best Time to visit the Maldives: Dec-April

Days involved: 5-6

How to reach: There are flights from Mumbai, Delhi & Kochi to Columbo & connecting flight from Columbo to Male (Capital of Maldives)

1)It has serene white beaches

The beaches of Maldives are so beautiful that it is trending as a hot destination for couples including celebrities & known as Sunny Side of Life




2) It has romance floating in the air from all parts of the globe

You can spot Asian , Korean , English , Caribbean etc & all of the newly wedded couples.




3) It offers best of beach resorts

It has small islands and each of them is converted into a resort. From Taj to Four Seasons and From Bandos to Paradise. All are great in a way or other offering you the best of hospitality. We stayed in Paradise Resort and it was actually a paradise.



4) The glowing beach of the world is in the Maldives

There’s a beach way down in the Maldives that looks like something out of a science-fiction fairytale. It’s gorgeous, to say the least. The sight of thousands of glowing specks scattered along the beach’s sand is believed to be a mass mortality of these organisms that periodically occur in the Maldives.



 5) Its known for the beauty of sea life ranging from sharks to stingrays.

Pictures speak louder than words.





6) Staying in a Water bungalow is altogether a different experience.

You step out of room and you realize there’s no land beneath your feet. Don’t get scared because you are in the Maldives and you have water instead.




7) You can indulge yourself in water sports.

You can spend great time while doing adventures together.



8) You can make a visit to local villages.

To have a look at life in the Maldives and local Coconut Water you can sail to the nearby villages. Souvenirs can also be bought from here at very cheap prices.


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9) Cleanliness is what adds to its beauty.

Cleanliness leads to godliness and that’s how people create a heaven here in the Maldives.

beach, deda tree, maldives, indian ocean

10) You get all cuisines from the world ( Yes Indian food too ).

All the resorts there serve a variety of foods to taste and try. Although it is quite costlier in terms of food & WATER, Yes water isn’t free here. So be prepared or carry a few mineral water bottles along.



Happy Honeymooning From Aastha & Keshav

Also read Thailand

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